A Matter of Time is a two-person roleplaying game, hacked from Takuma Okada’s Alone Among the Stars system. It was developed in 2020, and thus specifically meant to be played while separated.
Looking Back
This game was included in the Indie Bundle for Abortion Funds as well as TTRPGs for Palestine. As of December 2024, it’s been downloaded approximately 700 times. There’s something equally fascinating and bittersweet about the way that this game has received attention. Being included in a bundle had obviously made an impact by making it accessible to so many people. More than that, it was one of the first games I had published to itch.io. My writing and design process have both matured since the time it was made, and the world itself has changed so much.
Are there things I would do differently now? Of course. But I don’t want to disturb the time capsule that it’s become.